Reconnecting the Riverfront Master Plan

As a part of the 2015 Downtown Master Plan, the Town identified a goal to improve the access, usability, safety, and aesthetics of Downtown Westport's public lots. Our goals in pursuing the implementation of these improvements are optimizing a balance between parking inventory and pedestrian access, and plan for climate change and flood preparedness.

Project Summary & Objectives

This project will re-conceptualize and redesign several waterfront areas by working closely with the community. The areas include the Parker Harding Plaza, Jesup Green, and the Imperial Avenue lot, all located within the Downtown district of Westport.

The objectives of this project are to enhance pedestrian access to each of these sites, reclaim vital green spaces along the Saugatuck River for increased public use, and also address current and future flooding resiliency.

Jesup Green

The reinvention of this area will promote and activate uses at the open green spaces found here.

This project includes concept design and connections between the three sites, so the Town can pursue further refinement and final design and construction in a later phase.

Parker Harding

We look to transform this space to utilize the park-like promenade along the Saugatuck River.

This project includes cost estimations and full designs, so the Town to pursue funding and construction in early 2023.

Imperial Avenue Lot

The improvements of the lot will look to establish an active green space along the edges.

This project includes concept design and connections between the three sites, so the Town can pursue further refinement and final design and construction in a later phase.

Jesup Green

ARPA funds were approved to complete the design project for Jesup and Imperial, including parking lots, green spaces, and other amenities. Other items within the allocated funds include a geological survey, public engagement, and an updated parking study that will consider the entire district and the need and feasibility of parking structures.

The Public Engagement contract was awarded to Colliers, as linked below. This phase includes individual and focus group stakeholder interviews, a public charette, and a quantitative survey, all to be completed before the design work launch. The goal is to complete it by early November.

Working in parallel path, the Parking Study contract was awarded to BFJ Planning, who will update the 2015 parking study based on up-to-date surveys executed by the Town, evaluate three possible locations for a parking structure (behind the police station, Bay Street, and Baldwin lot), and develop an overall parking strategy recommendation. The goal is also to complete this work before Jesup/Imperial design work begins and to inform this work with these recommendations.

Other Documents


Parker Harding

Since our initial "Reconnecting the Riverfront" meetings, the team has analyzed feedback from the survey, website, and charrette to understand the needs and desires of the Westport community, with further input coming from the August 22, 2023 charrette. Based on this input and professional guidance, a final plan was developed, which will be re-introduced to funding bodies in 2025 after the completion of the Jesup/Imperial work, to provide a holistic view of the entire plan.

Latest Parker Harding Renderings

Parker Harding

Full District

Pre-Design Phase Summary

Public engagement for the Reconnecting the Riverfront Master Plan began September 2022, including:

  • Public survey promoted online and by pop-ups at local events, which received over 1,500 responses;

  • A Visioning Charrette at the Westport Library attended by over 50 residents;

  • An extended public comment period on the Charrette boards through display at Town Hall and the DPIC website;

  • Monthly presentations through the Downtown Planning Implementation Committee.

What We Heard in Pre-Design

Over the course of two months, we heard from residents and business owners throughout Westport about their needs and use for these three Downtown sites, and how they connect to the rest of Downtown. We heard:

  • A pronounced desire for direct access to the Riverfront, particularly through a pedestrian pathway or promenade;

  • The need for safer accommodation for people walking and biking, and better accommodations for people with disabilities;

  • Concerns about traffic congestion;

  • Divided opinions on how the space should be used, with many residents wanting to remove all the parking from these locations while others wanting increased parking in the same locations;

  • Strong support for sustainability and resiliency measures and the incorporation of natural elements.

Frequently Asked Questions

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