Parker Harding Lot
This project straddles both Parking Lot Reinvention and Pedestrian Access buckets, as it has the potential to improve the aesthetics and logistics of parking as well as greatly enhance the ability for the public to utilize and enjoy the adjacent waterfront. This project may also involve public and private investment.
Spot Re-Configuration
And green space enhancements.
Merchant Sidewalk
Enhancements and extensions.
River-Side Enhancements
Including more green and walking space.
Pedestrian Bridge
Technology Upgrades
The installation of EV charging stations, and the potential to evaluate the inclusion of more smart parking features, including spot inventory/availability and virtual metering.
Technology Enhancements
That might include Wifi/Bluetooth to enable public address, wayfinding, and other consumer tools.
History of Parker Harding Plaza
In 1947 the back of the main street development had the river coming up to the foundations of its buildings. Before Brooks Corner stores and the Market Place building, the face of this part of town changed with the building of Parker Harding plaza, and allotted the room for the Library addition to be erected in the late 1950s